Вакансія Senior PHP developer, Суми. Пошук роботи в Сумах - Робота Senior PHP developer (Sempico Solutions Group LTD). Шукаю роботу в Сумах.

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вакансії Сумах / вакансії IT, WEB фахівці / Senior PHP developer

На 18.03.2025 в нашій базі:  147 вакансій,   568 резюме

Вакансія: Senior PHP developer (в Суми)

  • Дата додавання:
  • Зарплата:150000 грн
  • Місто:Київ
  • Бажана Освіта:повна вища
  • Досвід роботи:від двох років
  • Графік роботи:повний робочий день

Загальна інформація про вакансію

<p>Sempico Solutions is an innovative international company providing SMS marketing, verification, OTP and OTT notification services, as well as proprietary software. Our services are used by hundreds of telecommunications companies and thousands of retail customers around the world.</p> <p>Specialists in this area may have different levels of professionalism. Accordingly, the range of PHP developer responsibilities will change. No less significant in determining the job responsibilities of an employee are the policy and needs of the company.</p> <p>Grow your career with Sempico!</p> <p><strong>We offer</strong></p> <ul><li>The ability to work remotely.</li><li>Convenient working hours from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00 (including 1 hour for lunch).</li><li>Competitive salary.</li><li>Gradual adaptation to the position.</li><li>Internship at the expense of the company.</li><li>Career development.</li><li>Opportunity to improve English language skills.</li><li>A well-coordinated team — everyone you will work with is a responsible workaholic, and we are also progressive and friendly. Common sense and sense of humor. No officialdom — everyone here is on a first-name basis.</li></ul> <p><strong>Requirements</strong></p> <p>To get a good position, a specialist must have:</p> <ol><li>2+ years of PHP, Yii2 experience, Laravel</li><li>Knowledge of the internal features of PHP v8.1+</li><li>Ability to work with the PHP platform, as well as understand all the specifications of this tool</li><li>Ability to work with JavaScript /Pjax</li><li>Coding principles: OOP, MVC. HTTP protocol, RESTful services</li><li>Key knowledge related to the field of frontend and backend development</li><li>Understanding of the functioning of web frameworks such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii2</li><li>Understanding of the basic principles of interface technologies</li><li>Understanding of the internal specifics of automation tools</li><li>Ability to create high-quality application architecture</li><li>Knowledge of the technologies of:<ol><li>Git</li><li>GitLab</li></ol></li><li>DataBase: MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL, Redis</li></ol> <p>In addition to the listed PHP developer requirements, higher education according to specialization is important.</p> <p><strong>Roles and responsibilities</strong></p> <ol><li>Solving complex performance and architectural issues.</li><li>Ensuring that the code is deployed successfully.</li><li>Collaboration with UI/UX designers.</li><li>Writing quality PHP code that is scalable, flexible, reusable, and testable.</li><li>Improve and support the code.</li><li>Conducting analysis of requirements and needs received from clients and teams.</li><li>Developing design and layout of websites and applications.</li><li>Plugin implementation</li><li>Integration of payment systems with ecommerce sites.</li><li>Key knowledge related to the:<ol><li>Linux OS /Ubuntu</li><li>Docker CE; CI/CD;</li><li>Bootstrap/CSS (UI Design)</li><li>Unit/Functional testing;</li></ol></li></ol> <p>This list of PHP developer roles and responsibilities is not complete and may vary depending on the position. However, it is the basis for any related position.</p> <p><strong>Personal Skills</strong></p> <p>The range of requirements for a specialist is not limited to technical PHP developer skills. Employers also want the candidate to have:</p> <ol><li>Stress tolerance</li><li>Ability to solve complex problems</li><li>Organization</li><li>Ambition</li></ol> <p>To get the job you want, you must have all of the above skills.</p> <p>We are looking for talented individuals who are ready to take non-trivial tasks and willing to constantly work on the improvement of their skills. Sempico is looking for a Business Development Manager who will be directly responsible for the sales of SMS services as well as our own SMPP platform.<br />Develop your career with Sempico!</p>

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